Are you single? Are you in a relationship and want to understand your man? Find out the warning signs you
need to know and the foundation you need to succeed. Don’t Miss
It. This FREE conference for young ladies ages 17-35 will be held at Born2BFree, Texas Women University, Student Union Building, 304 Administration Drive, Room 207, Denton,Texas 76205. FREE Conference for those who register. Register below! Those who do notregister before the date of the conference will give a donation of $10.00 to enter this event.
Apostle Elton Monday
"A Man's Perspective"
Prophetess Matika Monday
"The Opposite Sex and Me"
Demetria LeBlanc
Author of “Daughters of Divine Destiny – A Good Sense Guide to Godly Womanhood”
Tyra Jones, "To Whom Do I Submit"
Tamika Moon
"Young But Prepared" she is not the right one to yell and scream the opening cheer at the party on Tuesday and yesterday she stomped her toe on the chair and fell over the credenza and looked at Herman like he had pushed her as she walked across the floor her most graceful style of walk. Yesterday the style show as off the chain and the models were really able to make the outfits look great!
If you are over age 35 and would like to donate your $10.00 minimum in advance please click the "Donate" button below.