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Attendee Disclaimer
Some of Born2BFree, Inc. conferences/workshops, etc. are age specific. Example: some specifically for ages 13 – 18, some 13- 24, and some 19 – 35. This means that some of our conferences may contain information, discussions, etc. for the more mature participants. Please pay close attention to the age range of the conferences.
By attending Born2Bfree, Inc.’s events you assert that you wholly indemnify against any and all claims and will not hold Born2Free, Inc. or it’s program participants, or affiliates responsible for any legal ramifications that may arise as a result of the information, service and material you may hear or receive.
You also understand that all activities, workshops, conferences, etc. that you participate in are done out of my own risk and you accept all responsibility.
By attending Born2BFree, Inc.’s events you also agree not to bring any claim against Born2BFree, Inc., the organizers of the Born2BFree, Inc. events or the program participants of the Born2BFree, Inc. events and Born2BFree, Inc.'s staff or volunteers.
Additionally, you understand that if your child is under the appropriate age for the conference and you bring your child to that conference you will be wholly responsible for what the child hears and information they may receive.
Some of Born2BFree, Inc. conferences/workshops, etc. are age specific. Example: some specifically for ages 13 – 18, some 13- 24, and some 19 – 35. This means that some of our conferences may contain information, discussions, etc. for the more mature participants. Please pay close attention to the age range of the conferences.
By attending Born2Bfree, Inc.’s events you assert that you wholly indemnify against any and all claims and will not hold Born2Free, Inc. or it’s program participants, or affiliates responsible for any legal ramifications that may arise as a result of the information, service and material you may hear or receive.
You also understand that all activities, workshops, conferences, etc. that you participate in are done out of my own risk and you accept all responsibility.
By attending Born2BFree, Inc.’s events you also agree not to bring any claim against Born2BFree, Inc., the organizers of the Born2BFree, Inc. events or the program participants of the Born2BFree, Inc. events and Born2BFree, Inc.'s staff or volunteers.
Additionally, you understand that if your child is under the appropriate age for the conference and you bring your child to that conference you will be wholly responsible for what the child hears and information they may receive.